
De-Addiction Treatments

Our Dr. Mani Research Centre  is developed an ayurvedic medicine which is given to the addicted person and without telling him it shall be mixed with any vegetable, curry, chapaties, and liquid like juice, butter milk etc. when this medicine is mixed up with homemade food it doesn’t change the colour, smell & taste of the food, so that addicted person never gets aware of such treatment. These medicines are useful for addictions like alcohol, nicotine, cigarettes, bidi, mava, gutkha, tobacco chewing, drugs, fortwin, proxyuon, diazepam, opium, heroin, cocaine, charas, ganja, bhang, brown sugar, etc.

No Side Effects:

These preparations are purely ayurvedic (herbal) that’s why these medicines does not have any side effect, adverse events or contradiction. After swallowing this medicine whenever an addicted person consumes drug/alcohol/nicotine he dislikes it and would not have”NASHA” from it. He may even sometime vomit after having alcohol. But the main point is that this medicine doesn’t have negative side effects. The body of addicted person will become anti alcoholic after having this medicine and because of it he will not be able to consume alcohol, and if he tries to consume alcohol he will not feel good and he will have headache. He starts disliking the alcohol.


It is safe to swallow this medicine even in a situation where patient is suffering from any other disease. After curing more that thousand addicts we have experienced that a long time addicted person also suffers from other serious disease, In this situation our medicine can also be given with other medicines related to that other diseases and there is no avoidance any other daily routine.


Person starts getting good results within a week but to get rid of this addiction 3 to 4 months time will be needed.
